Senior Enterprise: The future challenges, 4th December, Brussels
A celebration of the Senior Enterprise initiative was hosted by….
Senior Enterprise Forum 14th & 15th October Ireland
The Senior Enterprise Forum was held on the 14th and….
To support those aged 50+ thinking about investment, Senior Enterprise ran a training programme in Portlaoise on 3rd December
To support those aged 50+ thinking about investment, Senior Enterprise….
Senior Enterpreneur Residential Workshop held on the 26th/27th November
A Senior Entrepreneur workshop was held on the 26th &….
Senior Enterprise and Mentoring Conference held in London
The Prince’s Initiative for Mature Enterprise (The Prince’s Initiative) hosted….
The Prince’s Initiative will be running Preparing to run your own business courses in the U.K throughout Summer/Autumn 2012
Preparing to Run Your Own Business Course
‘Concours Creer’ – First Senior Enterprise Winner Announced
The ‘Concours Creer’ competition, now in its 7th year, is….
ESF AGE Network in Tallinn Estonia
Senior Enterprise was presented to the ESF AGE Network in….
50+ Enterprise Workshop Dundalk 10th March 2011
The Regional Development Centre at Dundalk IT is hosting a practical workshop for those over 50 who would like to explore setting up a new venture- no matter how small.
2nd Senior Enterprise Conference Brittany 18th February 2011
Plans are well advanced for a follow-up conference in Brittany 18th February 2011 (from 9 AM to 7 PM)